The main reason I initially started in martial arts is because I have a bad temper and I was afraid that I would eventually hurt someone or get hurt seriously. I also remember that back in grade school, I was a bully to a few kids and now I deeply regret that. Training in the arts has taught me how to develop and use my self control. I have seen many of my students gain a huge amount of self control and confidence from their training as well. And that is one of the main key ways to avoid being bullied...developing a high level of self confidence. I feel this is done by INDIVIDUAL accomplishments. Every time a student goes through a belt test, there should be a transformation, there should be an improvement in there confidence. By the time they get to Black Belt, they will have the confidence, self control and skills to deal with bullies.
For myself, earning my black belt was a life changing experience. After that, I KNEW I could do anything I wanted. With the skills I had learned, I KNEW that I could defend myself. I soon noticed that I was better able to deal with confrontations. I didn't get nervous, loud, nothing...just a cool and calm approach to resolving any situation. That ability is what I am dedicated to giving to our students .
In my next post, I'll wrap this up. Again, feel free to post your thoughts or questions on this subject.