Monday, August 9, 2010

Great Abilities come from Great Effort

I gave a talk in todays little kids class about how most things are not much fun until you get good at them. Games, school subjects, martial arts techniques, etc. They all seemed to get the idea....dedicate yourself to study and practice and eventually things that once were difficult will be fun and enjoyable.
This made me think about myself and the things I need to do (business wise) but dislike doing. I realize that the only reason I dislike them is because I'm not good at them, and the only reason I'm not good at them is because I have not dedicated myself to getting good at them. I believe it's as simple as that.

1 comment:

Mr. Falcon said...

Good post and class discussion Master Pryga. Reminds me to take the time to evaluate areas where I need improvement. Think about them, evaluate them, and plot and plan to attack and improve them. Setting measurable goals, with time restrictions. Takes much discipline. Lots of good stuff taught in those dynamite classes!