Friday, December 17, 2010

Your Top Three?

What three kata (hyung) (single or two-person) do you consider the most physically challenging (read exhausting).
Mine are:
3. Yun Bee (possibly tied with Pal Kee Kwon)
2. Chul Kee (il,ee & sahm) Dan (done together)
1. Il Soo, Chil Bo (done together as a two-person kata_


Master Hawk said...

SoHoYun can can rally challenge me, especially if I try to jump into all the stances, etc.
The Chul Kee's are surprisingly exhausting to me too, even just doing one can sneak up on me.
Chung Mu has always been a physical challenge because of the flying kick, I just never have been able to do that kick well in that form.

Mr. Eagle said...


My top three most exhausting kata's are;
3. Chul Kee (all three done together).
2. Kong Sahn Kun
1. SoHoYun, I really have to watch it on this one, or I will find myself in serious oxygen debt about 2/3 of the way through.