Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

To all my brothers and sisters in Martial Arts, Happy Thanksgiving!

As was the theme this week for the Dynamite classes - Appreciation: Showing gratitude for what others do for you - and returning the kindness.

Best wishes and thank you all for the support you've given Niki and I.

Mr. Dragon

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Breath Control

As I transition into solo training for the time being, I am reminded how important, subtle, and elusive effective breath control can be.
Even though we stress the breathing aspect in the warmup exercises and stretching, I encourage you to continue to focus on your breath control during kicks, punching and striking drills as well as your form practice. Hapkido is no different...proper breath control can really enhance a technique.



Friday, November 4, 2011

Checking in

Well We survived the trip and are settling in here. It all seems real nice.
I have set up some strength training equipment, but have not resumed any type of training yet.
Having that class and a gym to go to every day for the past 20 years or so was a big motivator and always something to look forward to. It will be a challenge to get going on our own, but I am getting prett itchy to resume somehow.
Hope everyone is well...SUN!