Friday, August 10, 2012

Going the Distance

Most of us have seen the classic "Rocky" movie. Before the big fight at the end, Rocky tells his girlfriend that he just wants to "go the distance", in other words...make it to the end of the fight.
Sometimes everyday life can be a fight, and we all need to have the stamina to go the distance effectively.

Everyday stress attempts to beat down all of us. Stress can come from the people around you, your family, your job. Most of the time it seems like stress comes because of events that are out of your control, like disease, death or disasters. Anyone can get knocked down, eventually we all will. Not getting knocked out and getting back up again is the key.

With life we have to learn to take a punch and continue to fight. In other words, we must be determined to go the distance. We must have the attitude that we won't give up on people, our jobs, or our dreams. We won't let the things beyond our control "knock out" our passion for living and to excel.

I believe that if we make the choice to go the distance and stay determined to achieve our goals, anything is possible.


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