Thursday, April 7, 2011


Has anyone ever heard of, or used, Reiki (ray-key)? What did you think? SUN!


Master Crane TcB said...

I hadn't heard of it until your post though I had heard of "Therapeutic Touch". After reading much about it, including the Reiki homepage and the bios of many of the instructors I have to conclude there is not much science involved.
I would say it borders on the occultic, has its roots in pantheism and generally falls in the same vein as sitting under a pyramid with a crystal in your hands.
Since you asked...

Master Hawk said...

I am quite familiar with the practice of Reiki. I had a friend who attended a school of massage therapy and they had several textbooks on the subject, which she gave me. (and I studied/read) Based on that knowledge and my personal experiences with a few people who have practiced Reiki, here is my 2 cents:
Alot of "traditional" practitioners have tried to maintain some secrecy regarding the practice, I don't understand why.
Reiki practitoners receive a certain amount of instruction and then an "attunement" that impowers them to assist others in correcting the flow of energy in their bodies. although there is only light laying on of the hands, IMO, it's a physical thing, not alot unlike pressure point therepy or accupuncture. Nothing occultic about it at all that I have come across, in fact, alot of the history of the practice goes back to the teachings of Jesus Christ and his deciples and how they were impowered to "heal" people. However, this is one of the groups who claims Christ survived the crucifiction and lived out his life in India (or something like that) Seems kinda far out to most of us, but it is an interesting thought/story.

All that being said....I have had several different people "do it" on me and I really didn't feel anything. But I'm not dead yet either:)So.....
I'm quite confident that it can not hurt you and you may have a good, interesting experience with it.