Wednesday, September 2, 2009

PSR Evololution

Master Crane,

I was hoping you could share with us some of the things that you've seen change or evolve in the PSR system since you started. What aspects are different, what are the same, good, bad, etc.
Master Rhee once told me that at one time, the PSR training focused mainly on fighting ability and toughness. Only the strongest stuck with the training. He said he deeply regretted taking that approach as he woke up one day and realized he was surrounded by a group of egomaniacs. I believe this period was in the early 1970's.


1 comment:

Master Crane TcB said...

It's funny you should mention that about the way PSR training used to be. At both Tues. and Thurs. classes Master Rhee spoke about the difference between Eastern and Western training.
He said it was not just in the martial arts training but the entire Eastern culture was about punishment. The punishment was meant to bring about respect. If you didn't do something correctly, you were punished. In the doe jahng the punishments were comprised of push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks and worse. So, when he came to the U.S. that was the only way he new to run a school.
He said the Western way, however, is not about punishment, but about love. The corrections don't need to be harsh in order for a student to improve. The Eastern world is about Buddhism, respect through punishment. The Western world is about Christianity, respect through Love. "Christianity is better." He said. "Love is better, and I'm very happy that I find this out."
I have paraphrased some of that but it is accurate.
I will give my own observations of Master Rhee's comments and of the changes in the system over the years in another post.